Sunday, 22 November 2015

When you meet an Apostle of the Lord!

There was a Special All Ireland Fireside with M. Russell Ballard, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in Dublin Stake Building last night (Saturday November 21st). And I got to be there!!

(The date was originally Thursday)

We got there early, and managed to get seated on the FRONT ROW! I know, pretty jammy! Well, guess who was there with Elder Ballard, Elder Kearon! And his wife. Well, the conference was pretty amazing. Sister Kearon gave an amazing talk, you know people who you just can't help but smile when you see them? She has the spirit just oozing out of her. I think she is the first person who has ever captured me like that. It was amazing! But anyway, yeah Stake President (Dublin) O'Farrell gave a talk. And the thing that he said that really struck me was - 
Be more generous in sharing the Gospel!
Members give information
Missionaries give information and an invitation!
What a powerful thing!!

Elder Ballard spoke about addressing our sins now! He taught that mortality is not something to survive, it is a time to learn and change and grow. Our bad habits will accompany us to the next life, our body will be resurrected with those human desires still in place. It is much easier to repent when the body and spirit are together!

Afterwards Elder Kearon came over to me and said, 'Louise, come meet an Apostle of the Lord'. My heart about stopped, I literally felt my life change. 
Elder Kearon introduced me, and told him that I was going on my mission to Australia! He asked when I was going, and said that my 'spirit would soften many hearts'. What an amazing thing!!

I got to meet with Elder Kearon and his wife afterwards! Awh that man is amazing, he always says the exact right thing. 

An amazing evening for sure! I can't wait to teach my investigators, and testify about the spirit of general authorities of the Church. 

Friday, 20 November 2015

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Congratulations to Sister Napier who guessed where I would serve!! She wanted EVERYONE to know!!

I love this woman, she is so filled with love, and makes me laugh so much!

We finally got a picture!!!

Last night at Institute we FINALLY got a picture of all three of us! It's funny how we can talk everyday, but we really did struggle to get all three of us together!! Haha
I think this might be a very motivating picture when I am on my mission! I reminds me how much effort we all put in to preparing, and how many blessings we have all received. These two beauties, they have been a massive blessing in my life!

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Australian Visa - not for the faint of heart!!

So what happens next, after you receive your mission call? You get to become an absolute torture to your 'person' in the travel department. I can already imagine the reaction Lorena has when my name pops in her inbox!!! (Not really, she is so sweet, and super helpful!).

The Australian visa application is quite tedious, then again I haven't filled out a visa application for myself before, so maybe they are all like this? But, I need to document past schooling, past employers, religious education, anybody I know in Australia. You have to get lots of records, and evidence gathered up. 

I am trying to do it quickly, so as not to delay my departure date. But also trying to be careful, because I don't want to have it sent back.
Hoping to have it finished this week!

Also, I got my last day of work sorted!
Thursday February 11, 2016. 
I am hoping to travel to Utah on the 17th to hang out with the Tarbets. So I need to discuss that with my Stake President, and hopefully then, once my visa is sorted they can book my flights!! 

Will try to update soon!!

Sunday, 8 November 2015

08/11/2015 - Belfast Stake Conference, Sunday Session

Elder Kearon of the Seventy was at the Stake Conference this weekend.

He is a pretty cool guy, he gave a great talk on Saturday night. I loved that it was completely led by the Spirit. He gave imperfect scripture and talk references, that I could feel where not preplanned. He even had the whole chapel singing! It was great!!

Afterwards, it was so great to catch up with everybody, and I got lots of congratulations about my mission. I felt so loved, it was amazing.
Afterwards, I was standing with a few people in the corridor, and Elder Kearon and President McCrudden came out of the office. Everybody became very revernt, you can't be anything but respectful when you are near somebody so filled with the Spirit. President McCrudden was very proudly introducing his two new Sister Missionaries. Elder Kearon remembered meeting Lucy a few years ago, at a previous Stake Conference.
When President McCrudden introduced me, Elder Kearon said that he had been very aware of me during the meeting, not going to lie, my stomach sunk a little. I honestly don't remember the specifics of what was said, but President McCrudden mentioned that I had recently celebrated my baptismimaversay (he definately did not use that word), and Elder Kearon asked about how I met the missionaries. I told him that I had contacted the missionaries, and I told him how I had first met the Church. There was a point in the conversation where I remember, I was almost watching myself as opposed to talking myself. He asked was the Gospel everything I thought it would be, my answe - I was more than I thought I needed... Not going to lie, pretty impressed with the eloquence of my answer. But, well that definately was not me. After the conversation, he left, and I looked around to find that everybody else had been listening to every word... and they looked as, well it is hard to explain, but kind of moved. I left feeling pretty sure I might be asked to share my testimony during the Sunday session.

Well, Sunday session was stressful for a lot of reasons. Lucy's mum fell on the way to the train, and fractured her femur!! So her parents wheren't ther. She was super stressed, waiting to find out what happened. We looked at the programme, and it was all scheduled, the prayers, the songs, the testimony's, the talks. So, I settled, and thought oh I shall just relax and enjoy. The talks where great, I really enjoyed them. The music was great, carried so well in the Ulster Hall. Just before Elder Kearon was about to speak, President Boyd came to the stand, and said Elder Kearon had requested a change to the schedule, well my heart just about sank. And, yup... just as I predicted I got invited to share my testimony.
As I walked across the stage, I just shuck my head, and the whole stand started to laugh. I didn't really know what to say, I honestly never know what to say in these circumstances. So I talked a little about being a convert, how my parents feel about my conversion, when I decided to serve. I told them about meeting with President McCrudden, and how I had been a little afraid of him, everybody laughed. I then spoke about how when I met him, 'he was like an excited child at Christmas', and again everybody laughed. I told them the blessings the gospel have had in my life, and my hopes for my mission. I think if I had spoken any longer they would have had to pull me off the stage, it felt like I spoke for AGESSSS!!

Afterwards Lucy had to rush off to see her mum, so Courtney and I got photographs with Elder Kearon and President McCrudden.

So many members came up to me afterwards, and offered their love, and any help they could be with my mission. It was super sweet of them, and seeing as I am going to one of the most expensive missions, well it might be required!

Roll on February!

Mission Call

Here is me reading my call to the family of one of the missionaries that taught me.
Elder Tarbet is still on his mission, I was the first person he ever taught!

Reading my mission call!

Elder Tarbet's Blog!

Saturday, 7 November 2015

07/11/2015 - Australia Sydney North Mission HERE I COME!!

'Dear Sister Dorman:

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Australia Sydney North Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months.

You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Tuesday, February 23, 2016.'

Lucy got called to Belgium/ Netherlands Mission, reporting to the Provo MTC January 26, 2016.
And Courtney got called to Belgium/ Netherlands Mission, reporting to the Provo MTC January 26, 2016.
Yes they go the same mission, the same date!! And we are all going to the be at the Provo MTC at the same time!

Friday, 6 November 2015

06/11/2015 - IT'S HERE!!!!!

Oh my goodness!!!

It's here.

Wait I know where I am going, I opened it alone... I just couldn't wait. 
Lucy and I are meeting later tonight, and letting each other read our calls, then we are going to call Courtney! It's so amazing all 3 of us got our calls the same day!