Sunday, 10 July 2016


Continued from last week... News to follow!!

Where did I come from?
Before we where born, we all lived as spirit children with God. We wanted to get a body, and to become like Him. Jesus Christ proposed a plan that would allow us to grow, learn and develop. His plan allowed us to be tried and tempted, to choose for ourselves. All those on earth today have already chosen to follow Jesus Christ. We knew some of the challenges we as individuals would face.Some of the mistakes we might make. We all used His greatest gift - Agency - and followed Jesus Christ!

Why am I here?
You don't remember volunteering? Exactly! Read Job 38:7!!
So, we passed through something called the veil, so we have forgotten. Remember, we have to choose, and act on faith! By coming to earth we hoped for 3 key things!
1 A body!
2. Family
3. Knowledge!
These 3 things are why we came here, why we are tried and tested here. This is a probationary, a prepartory state.

What happens after I die?
After we all die, we go to the Spirit World. We continue to grow and learn, to try and progress. In the spirit world those who have never heard of the gospel, or even heard of Jesus Christ, are taught. Everyone who has not yet accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is given another opportunity to accept it. How perfect is that? He really wants us to have every opportunity to return to Him. So after Jesus Christ comes again, we will all be ressurrected. It is a free gift to all those who lived on the earth. The spirits are reunited to a perfected body. Alma 11:44!! Remember 2 weeks ago I talked about Jesus being our advocate? We stand and give account before our father, with Jesus Christ as our loving advocate. We all shall hopefully return to live eternally in His presence. With our families, thanks to the blessings of the Temple. A lot of non-members wonder what happens in there, and it is truly a wonderful place! A place where we can learn, and a place where we can be sealed to our families for time, and all eternity! Alma 34:33...
Something that is important is that is really does all go back to Adam and Eve! If you can get your family history back to them, and it is possible, then we are all sealed together. We are truly all children of God, of heavenly parents.

Hymn 292 - O My Father.
Verse 3 - . I had learned to call thee Father,
Thru thy Spirit from on high,
But, until the key of knowledge
Was restored, I knew not why.
In the heav'ns are parents single?
No, the thought makes reason stare!
Truth is reason; truth eternal
Tells me I've a mother there.

Well, I know when I return to live with my Heavenly Father, I will be with all my family, all of you! I have this knowledge, because, that is the promise when we are covenant keepers!

The Gospel has so much for us to learn, so many blessings promised! Ther are ours to recieve!
Verse 4 - When I leave this frail existence,
When I lay this mortal by,
Father, Mother, may I meet you
In your royal courts on high?
Then, at length, when I've completed
All you sent me forth to do,
With your mutual approbation
Let me come and dwell with you.
I have made that my ultimate goal, His presence is what I am seeking! 

Decide what blessings you wish to receive, then think about how you can put yourself in a place to recieve them!

Let Him bless you!!

Macquarie University campus! Sister Ballif was is in that area, I will be her replacement. Sadly she is going home to have knee surgery! 

Last PDay was July 4th, we had a BBQ to celebrate. We actually just wanted an excuse to go to the park and act like children!

​This is the CRAZY Balkham Hills District!

​We had a ward activity on Saturday Night - Winston Hills Got Talent! It was amazing!!! I really wish I could figure out how to get videos attatched to this, because there where some really funny/ impressive acts!!

​Sister Froemming... yeah, her days of driving are always very interesting!

Love to you all!!

The weather here is getting a bit rubbish! And I am back to walking, good stuff I am made of good stuff!!

Also, look out for a Sister Ligertwood, in Cavehill Ward! She is from the ward I am currently serving! Someone feed her, and look after her... then send her mother pictures!!

Have a great week!!

Monday, 23 May 2016

Sue and Sunshine

G'day to you all!

After 11 weeks in Australia I finally had my first Australian say g'day. It was actually a slight shock for S. Ballif and I.
So it has been the best week, and I am not really sure why... it just has. My sleep is improving, so I am starting to feel better about life. I feel myself changing in a good way. I am recognising the beautiful blessings and miracles given to me each day. There is a true light that comes from a belief in Jesus Christ, from the knowledge that I am a loved child of God.
This morning I was reading Doctrine and Covenants, Section 123. Verse 13 really caught me!
"Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness wherein we know them; and they are truly manifest from heaven."
This is what I have the privilege of doing bringing that light, that "brightness of hope" (2 Nephi 31:20) to all who seek it, to all who need it.
As disciples as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we are required to humble ourselves before God (D&C 20:37). We are invited to acknowledge Him as our Father in heaven, and submit ourselves fully to Him. We are invited to be humble that we might fully serve Him (Exodus 10:3).
When I am able to consider all that the Saviour suffered, I am humbled. When I consider that Heavenly Father allowed His son to die for me and all of us, I am overwhelmed. These emotions are motivation to me that I might more fully serve Him. That I might truly stand as a witness.
So funny story!! On Sunday morning we went by Ian at like 0750am. He takes sleeping medication and has missed his life to church a few Sunday mornings. We knocked and knocked, called his name, and there was no response. Through the window we could see he had carefully laid out his white shirt and suit, so we know he wanted to come. He had left his front door unlocked, so we opened it and called his name. He was asleep on the sofa, and still did not stir!! We where kind of laughing kind of worried. Finally we ran in a shook him a little, he pulled the blanket off his face and said... 'Sorry Sue'. He is so dang amazing!!! Here we are walking into his house, wakening him up from a deep sleep... and he apologises to us?!? Haha. We left him at 8.20am and ran to the other side of Doonside, and walked with Chris to his first Sunday at Church! We laughed so hard as we thought about Ian, and when we got to Church there he was, white shirt and suit in the front row!
I love this area, and all the people so much!!! Transfer calls are on Saturday, and we think we are both going to leave so this week we are going to try and get so much done so that the new missionaries can pick up all the wonderful people we work with!
I want to take this chance to bear you all my testimony. I know the Church is true. I know that Jesus Christ is my brother, my Saviour and Redeemer. I know that God is my loving Heavenly Father and because of the Atonement I can return to live with Him. I know that the Book Of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, given to us through revelation from God to the Prophet Joseph Smith. I know that we have a true Prophet here on earth, and that Thomas S. Monson is able to receive revelation to help us all. I know that I have been called of God and that as I serve I am able to rely solely on the Holy Spirit to teach and testify the truthfulness of this message.
I love you all. This journey is hard but I feel all the love and prayers shared for me, and all the other missionaries out serving.
Be kind to each other!!

Love you all,
Sister Dorman

The beautiful Australian sunset!

Yup just a random goat strolling around Doonside!

These are the daughters of an investigator... Amok (3) is wearing Sister Ballif's shoes, and Anor (1 1/2) is using her cane... lessons are always super fun when these two are around!

Monday, 16 May 2016

long week...

Hello everybody!!

Well this week seemed super long? Not sure why, but it did.

The weather has changed here, even in the sun you feel a coldness to the air. It is hard to imagine a big heavy coat just yet, but there is a need for layers. There has still not been an awful lot of rain, nothing beats the smell of the grass after a rain shower. Reminds me so much of home.

There isn't to much to tell about the work. Steven Amosa was baptized on Saturday. We had trade offs during the week, and we definitely have a lot of new people to meet with. On Friday night we taught a man and his family. We thought the lesson was going super well, when he asked us what we wanted him to do... Baptism of course. Well, he started to get super argumentative, and would not take the Book of Mormon. He wanted us to come and do a Friday night prayer meeting, where they pray all night for miracles. Thank goodness for a curfew... He has a strong testimony of the Saviour, but seems confused by the concept that faith alone is not enough... Faith requires us to act.

We are required to act... That is what faith is, a hope that requires action. That action may be baptism, daily scripture study, or family prayer. There are many things we all know will help us to improve that relationship, that we need to do better. Sometimes it is hard to focus or motivate... but Heavenly Father will always bless us for our efforts. So, what is it that you need to do better?

Love to you all!

Sister Dorman

Monday, 9 May 2016

250 Chocolate Chip Cookies...

So my wonderful companions cookie making skills where taken to the next level as she embarked to make 250 cookies for the members this week... We don't actually know how many where made, but all the ingredients are gone, and the members are all smiling!!
I don't have any good recipes, if anybody wants to send me some, for anything, I would appreciate it!!

This is Sylvie, she is the very loveable dog of one of our investigators, Stef! Sylvie made a hasty escape when we came to visit, and went and rolled in some rotten food in the park. So we did the only thing we could, we washed her!! So much fun, and there are photos that I shall send you all next week!

YOU'VE GOT MAIL!! You can call me Meg!! Haha, many thanks to all the wonderful people who show me sooooo much love!! I promise, my face when I got them was even smilier!!!

Selfies on the train, my very patient companion suffered through this!! We had the best sandwiches ever in Paramatta train station! So good!!

They where backburning the bush this week, so this is what it looks like when there is a bush fire! My camera corrects some it, but it gives you an idea! Really pretty, from a bad cause! But yup... Australia!!

​Sister Ballif lost her shoes and her stick last night to the cutest kids!! They are always so full of energy! We are teaching their family, from Sudan! Oh man cutest kids!!

Just random birds chilling on a fence!!

Love you all heaps!!

Send me pictures!!
Send me letters!!!
Send me prayers!!!!!

Sister Dorman

Monday, 2 May 2016

27 minutes of freedom...

Hello my beautiful people!!
Wow, week 9 in the field?? CRAZY!!

This past week has been very challenging, and I am really feeling it! My lack of sleep has made me extremely emotional, and we have had to take it a little easier. And as if that wasn't enough for S.Ballif, well she has hurt her knee, and is currently hobbling around on a cane. Hopefully it helps, because unfortunately she is also feeling a bit sick today. I really should take better care of my companion, considering my previous vocation. We have to go to an appointment at the mission office later today, hopefully she has some post - to cheer her up! Nobody can understand how much post means to a missionary. It is wayyyyy better than email time or pday!
Nothing terribly funny has happened this past week, probably because we have spent quite some time in the flat. This morning we caught another mouse! That is two captured!! We might have to admit defeat, and rely on a terminator.
Oh actually, there is something that happened. I got left behind on the train platform... 27 minutes without my other half. judging by the hug when we found each other I missed her more than she missed me!!!

Enos 1:15 - Ask believing He will answer!
Keep reading
Keep trusting
Keep asking
Never forget there is more to learn!!!

I love you all immensely!!

Sister Dorman x

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Ian is amazing...

So yesterday was ANZAC day, so we are emailing today!!

Ian got baptised! And it was amazing! We went by his place at 10am to remind him to pack a towel, and he was already dressed, and excited to go! He got there at 3pm, which left lots of time for pictures!!! He was dunked a total of 3 times, but he told us that someone knew about his mischievous past, and understood he needed an extra couple of cleans! He was confirmed on Sunday, and oh wow is he loved! There was so much food after the baptism! Sister Ballif made her cookies, they where veryyyyy popular!

We have a few super cool investigators progressing super well for the 13th and 14th of may, so prayers for Stephen,. Chris and Evelyn!

It has started to get colder, and a lot wetter. It is different from home, in that well its not quite as bad, but I have realised my clothing and shoe choices did not factor in this weather! Some I am going to have to buy some rain boots, if anyone knows where in Blacktown area sells cute Chelsea rainboots, help a sister out!! I also have failed to find any witchhazel blemish sticks.... Australia really struggles to keep me happy sometimes! But I wouldn't be anywhere else in the world right now!

Going to try and do a few personal replies today, sorry I am super bad at that part!!

Love you all, I am super grateful for all the support I have been given!!

Sister Dorman

Monday, 18 April 2016

Transfer One - COMPLETE!

We went to the Asian shop to try and find salad cream... and look at all these oreos?!?

Our feast for transfer calls... Sister Torres and Sister Apinearu! Our whole flat is staying!

Sister Training Leaders asked how I know my companion loves me... this... While I sit on my butt, she is making me chocolate chip cookies... because I said I liked the ones she made for conference weekend!? How lucky am I? This Sister is the real deal people!! The real deal!!!

So that is it guys, I have been in the field for a full transfer, for a whole 6 weeks!!! So crazy!!
So my week...
Monday - Charity shopping was a success!! I found some super cute skirts, that are a great length and really light! Perfect! And our district leader, Elder Lampipeti made us Otai, a Tongan drink, which is pretty great!!
Tuesday - Went back to visit Bev, fell out of a tree while cutting back her tree! My companion was not impressed, as she had warned me not to climb it! Oh well, SERVICE ROCKS!!
We went to visit Bishop, and sang some Tongan hymns to his mother in law Mele! Ofa tu Mele!!
Fell asleep during planning that night, apparently I just talked absolute rubbish for 20 mins! My mother my argue that is me awake!
Wednesday - District Training Meeting, it is a great chance to share miracles!
Ian in hospital. Baptism pushed back a week. S. Ballif and I both felt a lot of peace about this decision. Members have a lot of love for him!
Thursday - Took S. Ballif to Nando's after Weekly Planning - she is converted!! Amazing lesson with Stephanie, she is so ready and just amazing! Met with Bishop - 13 referrals... I think he trusts us! Eating with his family tonight, to teach his daughters boyfriend!
Friday - Trade offs. Because I am not sleeping right, we did just a day one. Was with Sister Wilson, Samoan, from New Zealand, one of 13(!!!!!) and wants to be a nurse. EVERYBODY heard that I was a) from Ireland b) a nurse and c) a convert! It was quite hilarious! Really relied on prayer that day! In fact every day I am here, I am on my knees, pleading to be given all I need! I know he listens and he answers! I am working hard!
Saturday - TRANSFER CALLS!! Epic day, so many great lessons, put a family of 7 on date for baptism!!! Such a powerful lesson using 'Because of Him' video (
Best news: S. Spainhower is our new Sister Training Leader. She was S. Ballifs MTC Companion, and they are very important to each other!! It has been 11 months since they have seen each other!!
Sunday - love Sundays as a missionary!! The family all came to church, and had an amazing experience! The members engaged super well, and Bishop was really welcoming to them.
Ian unwell, called to see him after Sacrament. He is very keen to work towards Saturday, his faith is so humbling!!

Loving the work. Seeing all the blessings and miracles from obedience! It is so important!!!
So many wonderful experiences!

Love you all!!

Postal address -
Australia Sydney North Mission
756 Pennant Hills Rd
NSW 2118

Remember, we are all first and foremost Children of God. Our Divine Heritage should be our first alligence!!

Alma 32!! Read it!!!

S. Dorman xxxxxxxxxxxx